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The Silk Industry: Brief History, Modern Day Markets, Trade and Production

Number of pages: 7

This is a 7 page paper discussing the silk industry. Originating in Ancient China, the Chinese silk industry alone still maintains an annual global market of over $2 billion. While China still remains the largest exporter of raw silk and Japan is its largest consumer, silk is still one of the most popular natural fibers in demand in Europe and North America. The introduction of synthetic fibers and the more affordable sand-washed silk within the last decade however have driven the cost of silk down almost 50% on international markets. This has led to recent production center closures in Japan and the Republic of Korea which has caused a devastating effect on the millions of silk farmers in the countries of China, India and Brazil. The International Trade Commission and the International Silk Association are currently working together to continue the silk industry because it is comparatively an environmentally friendly product in addition to its employment of millions of people in developing countries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

File: D0_TJsilke1.rtf

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